Voice and tone


While our voice is consistent, our tone changes depending on our audience, the channel in which we’re publishing and, of course, the subject matter. (We write differently about ePA legislation than we do our campus updates — but the reader always knows they’re hearing from CoverMyMeds.)

Our voice is ...

Authoritative yet conversational 

We’re the expert, but we’re also human

Expressive yet straightforward 

We use emotion, but we get to the point

Dependable, yet innovators

We are consistent in our delivery while committed to finding new solutions


We speak like a brand that knows we’re all in this together

Tone: CoverMyMeds' attitude

CoverMyMeds’ tone is friendly, though getting our point across quickly is more important than entertaining our audience.

Always consider the reader’s state of mind: Are they having trouble accessing their account? Are they looking for best practices from one of our subject matter experts? Do they need product details quickly? Adjust accordingly. 

Our tone is ...

Bold yet respectful

We’re good at what we do, but we understand that our success depends on collaboration

Progressive, but not rebellious

We’ve made our name in the industry, but we’re still innovating

Empathetic and aware

Patient problems are serious. Network problems are serious. We get that.

Impassioned, but not over-the-top

We use emotion only when it’s appropriate