

  • shortcut
    last updated
  • w.adguide


    1. Word's "Word Count" tool is NOT always accurate. For copy limits, use instead.
    2. Do NOT use a ton of copy. Remember, K.I.S.S. — keep it simple, stupid :)
    3. We try to keep copy within images minimal (Facebook historically asks for less than 20% of the image to contain copy).
    4. If we have an important stat, we can include that in the images.

    Copy in images (e.g. LinkedIn sponsored content) should be minimal. Maybe an impactful stat, but nothing more.

    Go here to access the guide including character counts for various ad types.

    Guide to ad character counts and dimensions

    Katy Smith

    Aug 15, 2023, 8:58pm

  • w.article


    (Be conservational and strive for clarity above cleverness.

    1. 70-character limit
    2. Focus the most important words at the beginning and end of the headline.
    3. Use powerful action words, emotional adjectives, common words.
    4. Use Title Case (i.e., This is an Example of Title Case)
    5. Run headline through the Headline Analyzer tool for optimization.


    (The article introduction appears directly below the headline and should summarize and entice the user to keep reading. 345-character limit)


    (This content appears when the article is shared on social media or is in part of the search engine results page on Google, Bing, etc. Character limit: 155-160)


    (This content appears near the top of the article. It should be used to note article updates, "previously published on," etc. It is not required for every article. Character limit: 120)


    (Who's authoring this piece?)



    (This is the designation used to define the opening paragraphs for the article - i.e., the lede/lead.

    1. Aim for 2-4 paragraphs
    2. No more than 2-3 sentences per paragraph; 12-15 words per sentence; no more than 25 words per sentence
    3. Follow intro with a nut graf - e.g., a sentence or two summarizing, in essence, why the reader should care about this article or why we're writing it – the "so what?"


    (Use this component to introduce major sections of content in long-form pieces like industry reports, white papers and case studies.

    1. 90-character limit
    2. Use to break down your story into digestible and scannable parts.
    3. Use a conversational and sentence-esque approach. This shouldn't feel like a headline, but also not like a two- or three-word summary either
    4. Remember that your Section Header should summarize the Supporting Body Copy and Section Intro that's to follow while also progressing the story from a high level. That is, if someone only reads the H1, H2 and Section Header/H3s, they should have a decent idea of what the article's about and how it evolves.
    5. Use sentence case)


    (This is the designation used to define your article's most interesting sentence or point and to visually break up text on the page. This component can be leveraged for longer, text-based quotes or data points you want to span across the content grid from left to right. If using this component for a quote, make sure to include the attribution component.

    1. 160-character limit
    2. When possible, use a quote from someone interviewed in the story. If no one is quoted, find the most compelling and engaging sentence or two or focus on a data point.
    3. Feel free to lightly edit the callout/pull-quote so it's readable and can standalone. Don't change the meaning. Just tighten.
    4. Aim for 10-15 words
    5. Don't use quotations)


    Citations run in-line with content. When the user clicks or taps on a citation, they are presented with the source material and a link where applicable. A full list of sources is compiled at the end of each article, release or report. Sources are collapsed by default to focus attention on the author, subscribing, or related content.

    [1] Name of Article/Case Study," Publisher Name, Date Published

    [2] Name of Article/Case Study," Publisher Name, Date Published



    Insights article template updated 2023

    Justin McIntosh

    Oct 4, 2023, 4:24pm

  • w.citation

    [ref](# "Citation Name")

    Add non-url citations to Contentful. PRO-TIPS: (1) no spaces before [ref] and previous character. (2) Make sure there's a space after hashtag and Citation Name; (3) Format citations: Name of Article/Web Page, Publication Name, Date

    Add non-url citations to Contentful. PRO-TIPS: (1) no spaces before [ref] and previous character. (2) Make sure there's a space after hashtag and Citation Name; (3) Format citations: Name of Article/Web Page, Publication Name, Date

    May 23, 2022, 1:43pm

  • w.citation-url

    [ref](Website URL "Citation Name")

    Add url citations to Contentful. PRO-TIPS: (1) no spaces before [ref] and previous character; (2) space after hashtag and Citation Name; (3) space and no comma between URL and Citation Name; (4) Format citations: Name of Article/Web Page, Publication Name, Date

    Add url citations to Contentful. PRO-TIPS: (1) no spaces before [ref] and previous character; (2) space after hashtag and Citation Name; (3) space and no comma between URL and Citation Name; (4) Format citations: Name of Article/Web Page, Publication Name, Date

    May 23, 2022, 1:43pm

  • w.mission

    Helping people get the medicine they need to live healthier lives

    The CoverMyMeds mission statement

    Justin McIntosh

    Apr 29, 2021, 8:21pm

  • w.productsheet


    TK (ALL CAPS - 2-3 words max)


    TK (9-10 words max)


    (30-40 word intro to provide insight into key industry challenges that warrant a product or solution suite that's featured in this sheet. This portion should be engaging; stats are helpful to create urgency on why this issue/industry challenge matters to the audience.)


    (20-30 word intro to the product that supports the intended audience with the industry concern/challenge. Briefly boilerplate this product or solution suite as you'll talk about it more in the next sections.)

    [NB: No more than 8 bullets total between the following 3 sections please]



    • (What's In It For Me — supporting language for bullet 1. 15-20 words — sentence format, but no period at the end unless it's more than one sentence).

    • (What's In It For Me — supporting language for bullet 2. 15-20 words — sentence format, but no period at the end unless it's more than one sentence).



    • (What's In It For Me — supporting language for bullet 1. 15-20 words — sentence format, but no period at the end unless it's more than one sentence).

    • (What's In It For Me — supporting language for bullet 2. 15-20 words — sentence format, but no period at the end unless it's more than one sentence).


    • (What's In It For Me — supporting language for bullet 1. 15-20 words — sentence format, but no period at the end unless it's more than one sentence).


    (No more than 20 words. Add a standalone stat with citation as a special callout in the product/solution sheet.)


    (Provide citations/sources of included stats to be displayed towards the bottom of the product/solution sheet.)




    (20 words of how to activate CTA)

    Product sheet template updated July 2023

    Katy Smith

    Aug 10, 2023, 2:33pm